Wednesday, March 4, 2015


       I'm not very content, which is a bad thing. I always think I need more stuff, more time, better relationships, more abilities. I make a martyr out of myself and think about myself and look out for myself. And then something will suddenly snap me out of my little bubble of ME and bring me back to the firm realization that yes. Jesus is everything.
       It astonishes me that I can care so much for myself, while the only reason I still draw breath every moment of every day is that there is One Who suffered and bled and died for me. Jesus died for me!
       When I get snapped out of my world of woe I go back and I look at Jesus and all I can do is praise Him. He is good. Even when my room looks like six 2-year-olds tried to have a party in it (which is pretty dang near the truth), and the dishes decide to appear out of thin air, and my homework is in dire want of being wadded up into a ball and stuffed up the drain pipe (true story), He is good. He is GOD.
       He gave Himself for me, and that's why I give myself to others. To show them Christ's unfathomable love.
       So then I start writing about Him, and praying to Him, and thinking about Him, and instead of basing my life on me, it all becomes about Him.
       That's what we were made for.

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